sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

Tommy Carter is Gone

Aqui vai um conto que eu escrevi no inglês numa prova da vida.
É por esse motivo que está em inglês, e eu, com medo de modificar alguma idéia importante, nunca traduzi. A quem puder ler: divirta-se :)

Something unusual happened to me a few days ago. When I got home from school, there was a letter waiting for me.
Even before I could read it, I sensed a bad feeling (a bad “flavor”, if you will), something that made me feel like a spider trapped inside an end-and size-less maze.
Tommy Carter was not a friend of mine. He was that weird guy, always at the school rooftops, speaking to aliens or so I was told.
He suicided a week ago.
Burned himself to death.
I have no idea of why would he do it - the letter.

“I can’t take it.
Something, INSIDE!
It spoke to me – whispered.
I was being taken, I would fly away.
         COME TO PLAY

Insane. His handwriting changed after the “away”.
After that, I got a phone call. It said “I’m coming, Mr.Grey”, and it turned off.
Mr.Grey. No one else knew about my primary school nickname, not even my parents.
It’s inside. I’m afraid.
Today, I woke at dawn, but it was dark. Someone knocked at my door. I said “come in”. Then the light changed to a feeble, sick, yellow, and I vomited.
I have been struggling with conflicting feelings the whole day.
No one came, but I can feel it.
Tommy Carter didn’t do it right, but I won’t fail anymore.
Fire is its habitat.
I’m going out now.
Do not answer it.
See you later.

2 comentários:

  1. Oi, Matheus! Você escreve muito bem em inglês também. O mesmo ritmo cheio de pausas densas, ao meu ver, que eu acho muito carregado, encaminhando-nos sempre a um lugar mais escuro. ;)!, acho o máximo. Adorei o short-conto.

  2. eu só escrevo coisas tensas sombrias msm xD
    acho que hoje de madrugada eu vou escrever um conto
    se amanha de manha nao tiver nada, é por causa da preguiça ^^
    Tommy Carter Is Gone me fez pirar lá na prova, tanto é que eu pedi para a professora me deixar copiar numa folha-extra xD
