Essa é a letra de uma das músicas mais bonitas que eu conheço.
Talvez não seja a com melhor ritmo, talvez nem seja a melhor cantada, mas, caramba, essa letra é linda.
Ela foi toda escrita por Kevin Moore, ex-tecladista do Dream Theater.
"Ela foi inspirada por... eu estava folheando um catálogo de moda e vi uma foto de uma modelo com uma peça de roupa chamada 'space-dye vest'. Então, eu me apaixonei pela modelo [risos] e durante aquele minuto eu fiquei obsessivo por ela, e pensei 'por que estou fazendo isso?', e percebi que vinha fazendo isso frequentemente nos últimos tempos. E eu acho que a principal razão pela qual eu vinha fazendo isso é que, isso eu percebi na época, eu vinha de um relacionamento onde eu havia sido maltratado, basicamente, e a situação é que eu ainda não tinha dado tudo que tinha pra dar, então eu estava jogando tudo pra todos os lados, apontando em todas as direções. Foi um caso total de projeção. E esta música é justamente uma tentativa de admitir que eu estou meio perdido. Então é uma música meio sombria. Foi muito catársico."
A banda nunca tocou Space-dye Vest ao vivo em respeito a ele, por considerá-la "a música do Kevin"
Abaixo, eu posto a letra dessa música, uma música que, na minha opinião é o verdadeiro grito dos corações desesperados.
Falling through pages of Martens on angels
Feeling my heart pull west
I saw the future dressed as a stranger
love in a space-dye vest
Love is an act of blood and I'm bleeding
a pool in the shape of a heart
Beauty projection in the reflection
Always the worst way to start
[Barulho de TV, partes de filmes e novelas]
[Sample is Julian Sands from the film "A Room With A View".]
"But he's the sort who can't know
anyone intimately, least of all a
woman. He doesn't know what a woman
is. He wants you for a possession,
something to look at like a painting or an ivory box.
Something to own and to display. He doesn't want you to be real,
or to think or to live. He doesn't love you, but I love you.
I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and
feelings, even when
I hold you in my arms. It's our last chance... It's our
last chance..."
Now that you're gone I'm trying to take it
Learning to swallow the rage
Found a new girl I think we can make it
as long as she stays on the page
This is not how I want it to end
And I'll never be open again
[Sample from "The Trouble With Evan", from the Canadian series "The Fifth Estate".]
"...I was gonna move out...ummm...get,
get a job, get my own place, ummm,
but... I go into the mall where I
want to work and they tell me, I'm,
I was too young..."
[Sample is Jim Hill from a news commentary about the OJ Simpson freeway chase.]
"Some people, gave advice before,
about facing the facts, about
facing reality. And this is, this
without a doubt, is his biggest
challenge ever. He's going to have to face it.
You're gonna have to try, he's gonna to have to try and,
uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean no one can
say they know how he feels."
[Sample from the Conan O'Brien show.]
"That, so they say that, in ya know
like, Houston or something, you'd
say it's a hundred and eighty degrees,
but it's a dry heat.
In Houston they say that?
Oh, maybe not. I'm all mixed up.
Dry until they hit the swimming pool."
[Sample from "The Trouble With Evan", from the Canadian series "The Fifth Estate".]
"...I get up with the sun... Listen.
You have your own room to sleep in,
I don't care what you do. I don't
care when. That door gets locked,
that door gets locked at night by nine o'clock.
If you're not in this house by nine o'clock, then you'd
better find some
place to sleep. Because you're not going to be a bum in
this house.
Supper is ready..."
There's no one to take my blame
if they wanted to
There's nothing to keep me sane
and it's all the same to you
There's nowhere to set my aim
so I'm everywhere
Never come near me again
do you really think I need you
I'll never be open again, I could never be open again.
I'll never be open again, I could never be open again.
And I'll smile and I'll learn to pretend
And I'll never be open again
And I'll have no more dreams to defend
And I'll never be open again
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